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The Solar Disc

This is a Solar or Sun Disc made out of handbeaten copper gilded with pure gold. The disk has a diameter of approximately 18 inches.

​The Solar or Sun Disc, symbol of creation, eternal spirit, love and universal consciousness, once appeared to me during meditation and from that day onwards has always been with me on my meditative journeys.
In contemplation and study of the Solar Disc, an insight was awakened in me and revealed to me the eternal spirit within all of us. The high-frequency energy of the Sun feeds this awareness or solar consciousness. The Solar Disc showed me that each of us has an Inner Sun which resonates in a similar way as the Sun does.
The light that radiates from the Inner Sun is the inner spark, the true essence of what we are all made of. I have started to create the Solar Disc as a manifestation of this epiphany.

My meditations have helped me find a way to actually do this. These discs are cut out of oxidized copper plates and then round hammers are used to pound onto the plates in a rhythmic fashion in order to increase the energy of the Discs. Finally their gilding is finished using pure gold. The gold is a direct reference to the Sun and his solar energies while the oxidized blue-green patina on the back represents the color of the thymus- or high heart chakra which resonates with the Inner Sun.
After the disc is finished it is charged in direct sunlight to absorb itself fully of solar energy.

In my understanding the discs are a form of energetic generators and can be used for different purposes such as meditation and contemplation; blessing or protecting of a specific place or person; as well as sun gazing; and even celebrations.
Although I feel it is an ongoing process to understand and interpret the meaning and significance of the Sun Disc, I feel it is now time to send these discs out into the world and spread the energy of solar consciousness.

About the artist


My name is Sebe Emmelot, I am an artist and shaman-to-be, and I greet you all from the bottom of my heart. I live and work in Amersfoort, a small city in the middle of The Netherlands. This is also where the Solar Discs are created. My mission is to respond to my own wonder about life and use this as a guide in my creative work. I want to touch people with the energy of the Solar Disc and inspire them to be who they really are.




If you're interested in a personal Solar Disc and/or would like to receive more information about the background of the Solar Disc, you can email me anytime. Also for lectures or workshops to create a small Solar Disc, you can contact me via the contact form on this website or via


What does a Solar Disc cost?


It's good to know that each solar disc is unique and specific to anyone.

A Solar Disc costs 1550 euro, including VAT and excluding cost of transport.


After a large number of requests I also started to create small Solar Discs which fits in the palm of your hand and people use for travelling or as an amulet. The small Solar Disc, created in the same way and with the same materials as the big Solar Disc costs 260 euro including VAT and excluding cost of transport. See under the 'Gallery' page, an image of this disc.


The manufacture of a Solar Disc takes an average of four weeks to complete, but can be completed earlier if needed.

May the Sun be walking along with you on your path!


Sebe Emmelot


Golden Solar Disc
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